EECS 122, Lecture 3
Channel Capacity
Some Comm Theory
Transmission Time
Low Speed Links
High Speed Links
Total (one way) Latency
Beware of Overheads
Measuring Latencies (1)
Measuring Latencies (2)
Measuring Latencies (3)
What Happens on the Web?
So, What does this Require?
Naming Computers
Hierarchical Naming
Benefits of Naming Hierarchy
URLs: New Names
A Problem with HTTP
IP (v4) Addresses
Expressing Addresses
IP Address Classes (historical)
Special IP Addresses
Example Assignments
Subnet Addressing
Subnet Structure
Subnet Example
Subnet Example (cont)
Subnet Partitioning (ex cont)
Common Subnet?
Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR)
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